High-temperature Ion Implantation

In SiC substrates, defects generated during ion implantation may be difficult to recover even with subsequent annealing. Therefore, to alleviate and minimize the occurrence of defects and damage, it is common to perform ion implantation on SiC substrates at high temperatures.  At our company, we have such capabilities.

Effects of High-Temperature Ion Implantation

There is a significant difference between room temperature and high temperature (500°C). By conducting high-temperature ion implantation, the damage inflicted on the semiconductor can be mitigated.


Effects of High-Temperature Ion Implantation


Supported Processing Conditions

Ion implantation can be utilized to alleviate damage etc.

Implantation Temperature Setting

Room temperature to 600℃

Sample Size

Room Temperature   Small Pieces to 12-inch wafer
600℃                          Small Pieces to 6-inch wafer


400 keV Ion Implantation Device

400 keV Ion Implantation Device

Technical Brochure Download

Summarized information about our high-temperature ion implantation equipment
Download here "High-Temperature Ion Implantation and Annealing" Technical Brochure

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